Wiki main page intro paragaph says "Welcome to the 24/7 Fingerboard network created by 24/7 Magazine, the only magazine to bring the scene to the masses for free."
First time I've seen this wiki so am newbie and would like to wiki mainpage to have more information.
Firstly, does 24/7 Magazine have a website? (if so, would be good if wiki's mainpage linked to magazine's website)
Secondly, my first thought when reading intro paragraph was wiki was about entertainment scene. But am guessing the wiki might be about fingerboarding scene (presumably the one with mini skateboards)(i had to check Wikipedia to figure out what fingerboarding was). If so maybe add another "fingerboard" intro paragraph... maybe:
"Welcome to the 24/7 Fingerboard network created by 24/7 Magazine, the only magazine to bring the fingerboard* scene to the masses for free. (a fingerboard being a mini skateboard)"